Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Juliol/Agost 2011

Juliol/Agost 2011

Tenint en compte que les meves vacances han ocupat part de tots dos mesos i que durant les vacances poc he pintat, es pot dir que aquest mesos han estat bastant penosos pel que a calendari de pintat es refereix. Això no vol dir que no hagi pintat absolutament res. Alguna cosa s'ha fet.

Durant els dos mesos s'ha pintat:

Regiment Prinz Friederich del duc de Brunswick per a la Guerra Independència Americana. Les figures son de Hat en 1/72 i encara no estan a la venda. Son TestShots de la seva futura gamma de prussians per la Guerra dels 7 anys.

Continuant amb el Projecte Barcelona 2014 he pintat 4 companyies de la Coronela de Barcelona: fadrins sastres, taverners, ferrers i calderers i llibreters i flassaders. De Zvezda en 1/72

Finalment he tornat als 28mm amb una nova campanya. 1a Guerra Carlina. Infante Don Sebastian i estat major dels germans Perry. Absolutament fabuloses.


1/72 a peu:

Regiment Prinz Friederich @ 16 figures = 16
4 companyies de la Coronela @ 2 figures per companyia = 8

1/72 a cavall:

1 coronel del regiment Prinz Frederich = 1


Infant Don Sebastian i Estat Major = 3 figures muntades

Total: 24 figures de 1/72 a peu, 1 a cavall i 3 de 28mm a cavall.

July/August 2011

Taking into account that my vacations were between July and Auguts and that I have not paint anything during this period, I can say that both month have been a little bit discouraging referred to miniature painting. However it doesn't mean that nothing have been painted. There is always something that can be done.

In this two months I have painted:

Prinz Friederich regiment from Brunswick to be used in the American War of Independence. The miniatures are TestShots from Hat in 1/72 and are not for sale at the moment. They will be Prussian infantry for the 7YW.
Following with my Barcelona 2014 project I've painted 4 companies of the urban militia of Barcelona (Coronela de Barcelona). From Zvezda in 1/72

Finally I've started a new campaign in 28mm. 1st Carlist War of course with Perry miniatures. At this moment only with a command pack of Infante Don Sebastian and ADCs.


1/72 on foot:

Prinz Friederich regiment @ 16 figures = 16
4 Coronela companies @ 2 figures/company = 8

1/72 horse:

1 officer Prinz Frederich = 1


Infante Don Sebastian and ADCs = 3 figures on horse

Total: 24 figures 1/72 foot, 1 on horse and 3 in 28mm on horse.

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