Friday, June 3, 2011

Inventori pintura Maig 2011 / May 2011 painting inventory

Com em vaig proposar quan vaig escriure sobre el Projecte Barcelona 2014, al final de cada mes faré una valoració sobre la pintura.

Crec que durant aquest mes he batut rècords. Vam acordar amb en Francesc una batalla napoleònica a 1/72 amb tot allò que haguéssim pintat i jo només tenia una divisió de dragons (o sigui, la caixa d'Italieri). Em vaig posar mans a la obra i a final de mes he aconseguit 3 batallons d'infanteria de línia , 3 esquadrons de Caçadors a cavall de la Guàrdia, dues bateries d'Artilleria a Cavall de la Guardia i dues peanyes de comandants; una d'elles amb Napoleó en persona. Tenint en compte que treballo a temps complet i tinc una nena de 5 mesos, puc dir que estic bastant orgullós de la feina feta.

Així, la cosa queda de la següent manera:

Maig de 2011

Infanteria 1/72: 3 batallons @ 24 figures per batalló = 72 figures. Totes elles de Hat amb capot i uniforme de 1805.

Cavalleria 1/72: 3 esquadrons @ 2 figures per esquadró = 6 figures. Caçadors a Cavall de la Guàrdia d'Italieri.

Artilleria 1/72: 2 bateries @ 1 canó = 2 canons i 5 artillers. Artilleria a Cavall de la Guàrdia d'Italieri.

Oficials: General de divisió: 1 figura a peu i 1 a cavall, Napoleó: 3 figures a cavall i 2 a peu.

Total: 80 figures a peu, 10 a cavall i 2 canons.

El proper post amb les fotos.



As it was proposed, at the end of each month I will post my painted miniatures of the month. In this case I needed to work hard because my friend Francesc and me accorded to have a Napoleonic 1/72 battle with all our painted miniatures. At that time I only had a Dragoon division (the Italieri box) so I had to paint really fast to get a decent army. At the end of May I had painted three line bon, three squadrons of Chasseurs a Cheval of the Guard, two batteries of Artillerie a Cheval of the Guard and two command stand, one of them with Napoleon himself. Having in mind that I have a full time job and my daughter is only 5 months old, I think that I can be proud of the job done.

Here is the summary:

May 2011

1/72 infantry: 3 bon @ 24 figures per bon = 72 figures. All of them Hat line infantry in greatcoats and 1805 uniform

1/72 cavalry: 3 squadrons @2 figures squadron = 6 figures. Chasseurs a Cheval of the Guard from Italieri

1/72 artillery: 2 batteries @ 1 gun = 2 guns and five gunners. Horse artillery of the Guard

Command: Division general: 1 figure on foot and 1 mounted, Napoleon and staff: 2 figures on foot and 3 mounted

Total: 80 foot figures, 10 mounted figures, 2 guns

The next post will have the pictures

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your 5 month old daughter! I wondered why you'd stopped posting; now I know!

    I'm looking forward to seeing your 1/72 figures.
