Last week we had our baptism of fire. It was not a happy affair for the arms of the liberty but tnaks God I'm alive and with no injuries.
Our company was ordered to reconnoitre a place called McMartin's crossroads.
We departed in three groups. The biggest one under the command of our captain took the central road as they were on parade. The secondone, under my guidance went on the right and finally, a small group under Sgt. Charles, on the left of the road.
It wnt so fast. It seemed as the rebs were expecting us. They appeared in two groups from our flanks and a severe fusillade started. We stayed sharplly untill a strange thing happened: Our captain's hat was hit and flew some yards back. Believe it or not, He abandoned the fight and fall back to take his hat! and what was even worse, at the last moment, a severe stomach pain atacked him making us to loose some precious time. Fortunatelly, the groups under my command wich had advanced to a hill, fell back in good order amd a crashing volley ordered by our sarge gave us time to fight another day.
Afterall, we oonly had two dead and two captured the others being only lightly wounded. I believe the rebs, altought they got the field, had more losses because I saw their padre working hard.
What is more strange was the behaviour of Captain Francis. Can he be a coward?
I'm sure next time we'll be more prepared. Those rebs are not an easy task!
Your beloved husband
Joseph Waterwell.