The unit entered Spain in Duhesme’s Corps (2n battalion) in 1808 and with Saint-Cyr’s corps (1st and 3rd) at the end of 1808.
The battalion was composed of between 601 and 740 men and formed part of the Duhesme Corps, 2nd Division (Lecchi), 1st Bigade (Millossewitz).
June: First siege of Girona (20/06).
September: Small engagement in San Boi de Llobregat (02/09) where only 1 soldier was killed.
December: With the arrival of Saint Cyr’s corps, the full regiment is formed in Barcelona totaling 1497 men in three battalions. The regiments fights at Llinars-Cardedeu (16/12) and Molins de Rei (21/12).
The whole regiment at the 7th Corps (Saint-Cyr), Lecchi Division. The battalion fought in the 3rd siege of Girona (2/05 – 11/12).
Garrison duty in Barcelona 7th Corps (Augereau).
December: In anaction near Llinars against the Husares españoles regiment 217 Italian soldiers are made prisoners.
The regiment is transferred from the army of Catalonia to the army of Aragon.
Between 1811 and the end of the war it doesn’t participate in major actions.
Perry plastic miniatures painted using Vallejo acrylics and The Army Painter products. Flag from GMB flags.