The unit that fought in Spain was composed the 1st and 2nd squadrons counting 380 men and 390 horses. It formed part of the Duhesme Corps, Schwartz cavalry brigade.
June: Action at Montgat (16/06) and action at the Llobregat (20/06) were 200 men were engaged.
July: Both squadrons at the 2nd siege of Girona (22/07).
November: The two squadrons, counting 224 men and 196 horses fought in the siege of Rosas within the 1st division Reille, 2nd brigade Guillot (07/11).
December: Engagement at Creu Coberta at the outskirts of Barcelona (5/12). During the battle of Molins de Rei was situated in the left wing guarding the artillery park (21/12).
The regiment fought in the 3rd siege of Girona (2/05 – 11/12). In october the 3rd squadron arrived at Figueras.
The regiment spends the year doing police duties near Girona, Besalú and Perelada.
March-September: The regiment changes from the army of Catalonia to the army of Aragon. One squadron (91 men) stays in Zaragoza (Div. Compere) and the other (101 men) in Calatayud.
October: 66 men in Oropesa and Sagunto.
January to August: 71 men guarding the road between Castellón and Tortosa. 200 men fight in the action of Utiel (25/08).
Not clear if they fought at Castalla. It seems that in April passed to British service.
The miniatures are French Chasseurs á Cheval from Sash and Saber. They are not bad miniatures and are really cheap. They are closer to 25mm than to 28mm. My only complaint is the swords that are too thick looking like a club.
The paints are Vallejo and the shadows and varnish from The Army Painter.